How to Store Camera Lens in Bag in 7 Easy Steps


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If you are a photographer, packing a camera accessories bag is crucial when you are going somewhere for the photo shoot. However, while packing those camera accessories, most people stay confused about how to store camera lens in bag. It can turn into a mess if you are unable to pack your camera lenses in order.

You will have to store the camera lenses safely to avoid any kind of unexpected situation like lens breaking or fungus. It becomes way essential during the traveling period as you need to make sure lenses do not collide with anything.


The Importance of Storing Camera Lens Properly in the Camera

You can’t just keep the bag of your dream DSLR camera accessories messy. Putting the lens randomly in the wrong places won’t help you either in this matter. It can even break the lenses or bring cracks or stains, which are never expected. There are some more reasons why you should store your camera lens properly in the camera bag:

  • If you store the lenses properly in the correct compartment of the bag, finding the required one at the right time will be easier
  • It will help you to avoid cracks and stains from appearing on the lenses
  • Proper lens storing also keeps your lens safe from fungus
  • Putting the lenses in the right places will save bag space which will make traveling easier and safe

How to Store Camera Lens in Bag – The 7 Tips You Must Remember

The first rule of storing camera lenses in the bag is never to make the accessories in the bag messy. Maximum people suffer from this issue as they usually pack the camera bag in a hurry just before going out. Therefore, it is never suggested as you should always take enough time to pack cameras, lenses, and other camera gear.

It is essential because the safety of your camera and lenses always comes first. Along with that, there are some more things that you should remember while storing camera lenses, and those are:

1. Always Place the Lenses Pointing Upward or Sidewise

The camera lenses are quite sensitive and expensive as well. So, placing them downward will not be a good idea as the most sensitive glass part will face the ground. The first impact of an accident will come to that sensitive section. As a result, the lens can break or shatter instantly with a simple collision with even something small.

That’s why you should never place the lenses facing downward in the bag. Instead, you should place the lenses either upward or sidewise for better safety. As a result, if somehow the bag collides with something or hits the ground, a comparatively strong section of the lenses will have the first impact.

So, the chances of breaking or shattering the lens glass will be less comparatively. That’s why you need to place the lenses pointing upward or sidewise in your camera bag always.

2. Don’t Forget to Detach the Lens from the Camera Body Before Storing those in the Bag

Sometimes, you may have put the camera and lens in the bag without detaching them when you are in a hurry. But it is never suggested no matter in how much hurry you are. Putting the lens and camera in the bag while those are still attached will take comparatively more space as well.

Because, when you put them in that way, there will be a lot of empty places around the lens because of the camera body. As a result, it will be difficult to place another camera or lens in that bag because of the shortage of space.

Unfortunately, if the camera bag hits the ground or anything else, the lens and camera connection point can get permanently damaged. Also, if you store the lens and camera without detaching, the lens will remain downward, which is also dangerous.

To avoid these unwanted situations, you should detach the camera lens first and then put it into the camera bag. By doing so, the camera and lens will remain safe even when the bag is misplaced, which ensures more safety for your camera.

3. Put all the Gears in their Respective Compartments of the Bag

Putting gears in the wrong compartments is probably the mistake most photographers commit. But this common mistake can be avoided with a simple concentration of the person storing the lenses. Suppose, if you put a gimble or another gear in a lens compartment, then you won’t have space for that lens to store.

On the other hand, lens size varies based on the types and roles they perform. For example, a zoom lens is quite big in size compared to other lenses like a prime lens or wide-angle lenses.

So, if you put a prime lens or a wide-angle lens in the compartment of a zoom lens, then you won’t be able to put the zoom lens in the bag. But, at the same time, the wide-angle lenses or the fish-eye lenses are comparatively wider than the other lenses.

As a result, putting another small lens in the compartment of this lens will not be a wise option under any circumstances. So, you will have to put the other gears in their respective compartments first. Then take your time to store each lens in its compartments, and make sure to do it properly.

It will help you to store all the lenses and other gears in an organized way which will save storage as well. You will also need to avoid keeping two lenses in the same compartment of your camera bag. All the camera lenses are quite sensitive, and a single hit from the outside can damage both lenses at a time.

Also, in bumpy rides, two lenses from the same compartment can collide with each other. It can break, shatter, or bring stain to both lenses. So, you must put all the lenses in their respective compartments, and the same goes for the other gears as well.

4. Always Pack the Lens Wipes and Cleaners

Along with the lenses, lens wipes and cleaners also deserve spots in your camera bag. If you are traveling somewhere, you should carry these kits as well. You should clean your lenses regularly to prevent stains from appearing in the lens body in a long tour.

Also, while shooting in different places, you will have to expose the camera lenses in multiple weather conditions. It is the ideal situation for the fungus to appear inside the lenses, which is like a curse for any camera lens and the lens owner.

So, if you don’t want this fungus ever to appear, you will have to clean the lenses on a regular basis. And for this action to perform, you will have to carry the lens wipes and cleaners in your camera bag.

5. Keep the Lens Cap on Before Storing in the Bag

Putting the lens in the bag without the lens cap is the biggest mistake you should never commit. The glass upper portion is the most sensitive place of a lens body. So, when the bag hits anything, the first impact comes to the sensitive and unprotected part.

The lens glass is usually the most sensitive spot, and without the cap, it will become more fragile. So, with a small hit, the unprotected glass portion of your camera lens can get damaged. Also, unnecessary scratches may appear out of nowhere when traveling somewhere.

So, always try to keep the lens cap on before you store the lenses in your camera bag while going out on a shoot.

6. Make Sure the Lenses Don’t Shift Around

You will never want the unnecessary movement of your lenses inside the bag. The loose compartment dividers are the main culprit if this incident happens to you anyhow. So, you will have to tighten the compartment dividers that the lenses inside stay steady even if you are in a bumpy ride.

The tight situation of the dividers will keep your lenses safe even if you are running around with the camera bag on your back. In addition, when those compartments are tightened enough, it will minimize the amount of shifting your lenses can do.

As a result, the chances of your camera lenses getting damaged will be comparatively less. However, that’s how you will have to make sure the lenses don’t shift around inside the bag when you are traveling somewhere. Also, you shouldn’t keep the small accessories with a lens even if they fit in the compartment.

Instead, you should keep those small gears and accessories in the zipper pockets of your camera bag.

7. Avoid Overfilling Your Camera Bag

A camera bag doesn’t come with huge space inside of it. Still, you can store several lenses, at least two cameras, and other gears in the bag. But, if you are going out on a photo shoot, you don’t have to carry a bunch of lenses and accessories.

Carrying two or three lenses at a time is enough for you on most occasions. Overfilling the camera bag with unnecessary gears and accessories will narrow down the space for the crucial parts. Moreover, it will be a bit tough for you to find the correct lens at the key moments if the bag is filled with unnecessary gears.

That’s why you should make up your mind on which lenses you mostly require and store them with other necessary gears.


Can I keep more than one lens inside my camera bag while going outside?

Yes, you can carry more than one lens at a time inside your camera while going out on a photo shoot. But you will have to put those lenses in different compartments with dividers. It will make sure the lenses don’t collide with each other and also stay steady and damage-free.

How many lenses should I carry while traveling somewhere?

You may have to travel to a lot of different places and cover a lot of distance to click images in a single tour. So, you will require more than one lens to shoot, but don’t overfill your camera bag with too many unnecessary lenses. Carrying two to three lenses is enough for shooting outdoors or when traveling somewhere.

Is it necessary to carry the lens wipes and cleaners in the camera bag?

You may require to stay out of your home and town for a longer period with the camera and lenses. At that time, you also may have to shoot in different weather conditions around the world. As a result, the fungus can appear inside the lenses, and to prevent those, cleaning the lenses is a must.

That’s why you must carry the lens wipes and cleaners in the camera bag if you are about to stay out for a longer period.

Final Thoughts

Storing the camera bag with camera gears seems one of the most straightforward tasks. However, mostly the new photographers and even some professionals sometimes doubt how to store camera lens in bag. It is a puzzling period which can be solved by concentrating properly and following some simple tips.

Stay focused and try to pack the necessary lenses only in different compartments. Before storing the lenses, put on the lens cap and tighten the compartment dividers when traveling somewhere.

Also you can see-how to clean camera lens

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