How to Clean Digital Camera Sensor | Dry & Wet Method

How to Clean Digital Camera Sensor

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When you see a photo with filthiness, you think about how to clean a digital camera sensor. Those dust and dirt often cause using the camera constantly and changing the lenses during photo shoots. It’s common for the guys who use interchangeable lens cameras.

It’s heart-staking that cleaning the camera sensor is an awful idea to most photographers for their difficulties. Yet, it’s much more straightforward so that anyone could do the method.

Luckily, if your camera had already included the sensor cleaning function, then it’s much less difficult to do. But if it is not, try out the below instructions to combat the problems abruptly. Here we discuss how you deal with these painstaking chore concerns.


Reasons Behind Your Camera Sensor Getting Stained

As we currently explained, sensor dust is a term that usually causes harm to the sensor. A camera sensor detects and conveys the information that needs to click an image.

The light waves that come from the camera will take a big shutter to clip the copy of the images. Learning about how does digital camera sensors work will help you capture great images. So that dirt and junk are particularly found to stick to the camera sensors at first.

The problem will easily identify whenever you click the photos and suddenly discover the black patches over it. Sometimes the photos get addled or roily. Those issues happen when you change the camera lenses in a foul environment.

For instance, you should not change the lenses when you’re on the sandy beach or there’s heavy rain on the outside. But it may not be possible to obey these perspectives strictly.

For this, the dust and dirt will gradually enter into your camera and consummately show up in the photos. Keep these few things in mind if you’re still in a dilemma about the issue.

  • Just check the viewfinder; you find their dust that may not be visible in the photos.
  • Those sensors’ dust is very tiny. That’s why they may not appear when you’re taking any gigantic shots (for instance, f/2.8). It happens for the depth of the field. The density of this field is wide enough to thrive those spots out of focus. Although those dusty particles were difficult to invent, you can’t see them.
  • It is then easy to say that the sensor gets nasty or dusty when you frequently detect the blurry spots on multiple images simultaneously.
  • You may find the dust on the camera mirror, but this can’t even record on an image. This time you should use the air blower. To avoid paying any damage, forgo using the compressed air.
  • Abstain from touching or rubbing the mirror with your hand or anything, since it will damage or fragile the sensor poorly.

How to Clean Digital Camera Sensor – 2 Effective Methods

Nowadays, almost every digital camera has auto-cleaning functions. If your camera has this option, we recommend that you test it out first.

  • Click the button of auto clean to the inquiry. Is there any difference in withdrawing the dust or dirt? If this improves the concerns, it’s ok to stop doing any further steps.
  • But if this continues to show those dots or blurriness inside the images, then strictly follow the below process.

Things You’ll Be Needed for Both Methods-

  • Cleaning swabs according to the specific sizes of your camera sensor
  • Sensor cleaning water/ solutions
  • Hand/bulb made air blower
  • A little table lamp or torch
  • Sensor loops
  • Discard solvents

Method #01- Dry Cleaning Method

This is mandatory for all the procedures to ensure the camera was fully charged. All in all, double-check your camera has sufficient battery power to go ahead. Then clean the exterior body. Otherwise, the dirt’ particle may enter the sensor.

Similarly, ensure that the area you choose to clean the sensor is neat and clean because you may not like to add more dirt inside the sensor during the working period.

A habitual mistake is made by all of us when we sit to clean something and realize we don’t have the right tool. To avoid this, gather all the necessary tools you need for this task. Afterward, let us jump into the steps.

Step 01- Lay down the camera on a table & Blowing It

First, decide on a clean area. The reading table or your desk is the safe zone for doing this. Then lay down the camera on it and apart from all the stuff from the mounting areas one by one. Take a soft tissue paper, clean all those parts and place them aside. Do not touch your bare hand, especially the sensor areas. Use the air-blowing tools if you notice any bigger dust.

Important Note- Avoid using canned air. It often belongs to fuel, which is the main culprit for the sensor’s residue. For this, the task gets difficult, and sometimes you may need the help of professional removal. Again, the large pieces blow off and fall out of the closet.

Step Two- Blow On the Mirror & Back

The more you go through the task, the more difficulties you’ll find. You won’t clean the sensor once it has been replaced like before. So take more time to clean the dirt. Blow off the mirror, also the back of the lens. It’s crucial, as the sensor has an electrolytic charge when you turn on the camera. And this will attract the dust more, just like a magnet.

Step 03- Clean The Magnifying glass & Repeat The Process

In this step, you need to clean the magnifying glass look sensor. And an inquiry on if the camera still has any dirt or not. If so, repeat blowing all the critical areas inside the sensor. It is best not to put the tip of the blower inside the camera during this step. After doing a few blasts of the air blower, disclose the camera and place the lenses.

Step 04- Take Another Test Shot to Check If the Dirt Remove

After finishing cleaning all the dirt from the sensor, take a test shot to check if dirt was removed or not. Then zoom out the images about 50% and justify it. You can terminate the task when there are no more spots remaining. Besides, if you still see some sports over images, then go to the next “wet-cleaning” method.

Method #02- Wet Cleaning Method

No matter what the manufacturer’s websites say, cleaning the sensor’s dirt is always worth trying. Importantly, the solvents we suggested are effective for repelling dust and minimizing dust buildup.

So here are the steps in depth.

Step 01- Remove the lens and place it once again on the table

Now remove the lens and replace it once again into the table. Always lay down the camera with the LCD facing the floor. Next, tap the manual cleaning option for locking up the mirror glass.

Step 02- Remove the Camera Sensor Swab & Use The Air Blows

Next, remove the sensor swab and use the air blows again a few times. Then blow the air to minimize or remove any odd pieces beyond the swab. There is a high chance to stick the lint/ odd pieces inside it.

Step 03- Carefully Put on A few Drops of Solvent On to Each Glass

This time you have to dip the sensor glasses over the solution water or solvent. Wear safety glasses, read out the instructions, and indulge in the products carefully. Pour the solvents over the sensor at least 14 cm from the edge. As you approach the sensor, pour the solvents over it at least 14 times. Be sure to cover both sides evenly.

Step 04- Reverse or Tilt the Swab & Drag It in One Pass from One Edge

With great care, tilt or reverse the swab. Drag it in one pass from the one edge, turn it over and pull it back the other way. Complete these steps in one smooth motion without great force. You will also need to pressure the swab, unlike the brush.

Step 05- Use A Loupe and Inspect the Sensor

At this stage, use a loupe to review the sensor to see if there is any dust remaining or not. Try to take some shots over the camera, whether you’re not sure. Justify them and repeat the process once again if the dirt is still lying. But do not use the same swab frequently. Use the new swab instead of it.

Important Note- Sometimes, you may notice the streaks on the sensor. It additionally occurred for using the solutions insufficiently. Wait for a while and do the process with less solution. 2-¼ drops are usually enough for this method.

And it’s all done. Just look at how clean and chaste the sensor is, you’ll use all the equipment correctly.

How to Test the Dusty Sensor Camera

This is the primary step of lucid dust from the sensors. So whenever you’re prepared to start, set up your camera to take a small aperture, unlike f/16 or f/22.

Second, set your camera to the lowest ISO possible.

Third, take the photo against any bare areas like white walls, paper, or cloudy sky. And slightly move the camera to help you take the dusty or blurry photos with more clarity.

Fourth, now it’s time to identify the dust. Here you can take help from the two sources. Alternatively, you can load the photos into the PC for handling this task.

Fifth, whenever you’re able to detect the dust inside the images, go for the next procedures to omit this difficulty.

Some Tips for Keeping the Camera Sensor Clean Overtime

There is an ancient proverb that says prevention is better than cure. It is vital to take precautions against this, and it is difficult to avoid such issues in the future. All in all, precautions are the ultimate key to prolonging the longevity of your camera sensor, too.

  • Choose the clean-off areas whenever you’re going to shift the lenses. Always point the camera unto the ground. By doing this, the dusty particles won’t go inside the DSLR’s sensor.
  • Avoid changing the lenses unnecessarily. Cover the optics of the lens with a lucid cover cap every time.
  • Use the tidy camera bag and clean it twice a week to avoid such inconvenience.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

When to Use Smear Away & Sensor Clean Solvent?

Both of them contribute to the removal of sensor dust. But the smear away solvent can only be used if there is any oil smear. On the opposite, sensor clean solvent being verified used in no smear cases.

What Liquor Can I Use to Clean the Camera Sensor?

Sensor swabs are the most crucial cleaning pads in this regard. You need to put on a few drops of an eclipse to clean the sensor. Then swap the camera for a while. You can get the swabs according to the particular size of the camera.

How Can I Clean the Mirrorless Sensor?

You can clean the mirrorless sensor with the help of an automated self-cleaning mode. Either use any cleaning swabs or a rocket blower to force the air to clean the sensor areas. On the other hand, swabs the sensor to get rid of the clogged dirt inside the parts.


To sum up, cleaning the camera sensor is tedious. But the more effort you put in, the more it will be handy for you. Although, it may feel a little daunting to anyone if you’re trying this out for the first time. But don’t forget, this is the cheapest and easiest way to be done at home. These methods are a great way to reduce expenses and inconvenience associated with cleaning the sensor.

Hope you get a clear conception of how to clean digital camera sensors simply.

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